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Metropolitan of Strumica Naum: The Cross of Christ is a Personal Relationship – Part 2




In the previous homily, we said that in any suffering (cross) we should primarily recognise Christ and upgrade our personal relationship with Him.

Suffering is very real, but the anguish and the pain that comes from the suffering should remain in the background, because, through its acceptance and gratitude, it becomes a source of joy from the newly established and upgraded relationship with our Lord.

Any other suffering is meaningless – without the joy of the Resurrection.

Let us further explain what was written earlier.

God communicates with us through His uncreated energy (grace).

The deed, the word, the providence, and the will of Christ, by which God, that is, the God-Man Christ communicates (connect) with us are the uncreated energy of God.

Will we receive (accept) the deed, word, providence, and the will of God the same way as the Canaanite woman or as righteous Job did, or will we reject them?

Will we accept the way God has chosen to communicate with us, no matter how bad it may seem to us, or will we reject it?

Will we receive in us God Himself or will we reject Him?

Here is the example of the righteous Job:

“Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die – Says his wife. Job said: “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed  accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips. (Job 2, 9-15)

He also said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave me, and the Lord has taken away; As it seemed good to the Lord, so also it came to pass. Blessed be the Name of the Lord “(Job 1, 21).


I do not know who can read these lines without tears …

The righteous Job is a prominent example in the Holy Scripture for the correct relationship (sonship) with God. He accepts and gives thanks to God for his suffering.

We have said before, a sign that the temptation (suffering) is accepted as a gift of God is when the temptation, in general, stays the same (intensity of suffering would not change) – except our attitude towards it, and when it becomes a source of joy, comfort, and grace.

From the correct attitude towards God comes the right attitude towards our suffering.

If some suffering (cross) is causing us despair instead of joy, it is a sign that we need to change our relationship with God, that is, it is a sign that our relationship with God is certainly wrong.

The cross should bring us joy because of the upgraded relationship with God, not despair.

Why do I not emphasize the happy ending of the life (hierography) of the holy and righteous Job?

Children of God are not hired workers (hiree).

They are not interested in happy endings,

They do not need that kind of motivation.

They are guided by the love for their Heavenly Father.

And nothing else.


Metropolitan of Strumica Naum

(03.18.2015 15:53)


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