Great Thursday – Father Gavril Galev
Posted By Macedon on May 2, 2024
We have read the Gospels of the Passion of the Lord and what can be said, or, to be more precise, it is better to keep silent, because, in truth, we do not have a word with which we could justify ourselves, because if we too were in that historical time and space, I do not believe that we would have been there under the cross, where stood His Mother and His beloved disciple Saint John. But, discerning by our life, we too would scatter like the other apostles, we would renounce Christ like Peter, as did the Jews we would shout crucify Him, crucify Him, as did the Roman soldiers we would mock Him, or just as Pilate did, we would wash our hands and condemn Christ.
This testifies that we can imagine ourselves as to be on who knows what spiritual level, but our actions, above all, our words and thoughts testify that we are still fallen down, that we are with those who crucified Christ and that to this day we crucify Him with our sins and transgressions.