Elevation of the Holy Cross – Metropolitan of Strumica Nahum
Posted By Macedon on September 28, 2024
We all carry our Cross (suffering) – the question is: do we want to carry a Cross with meaning, with consolation and hope of Resurrection, or do we want to suffer with a meaningless cross? I think the choice is not a difficult one to make.
Therefore, let us begin to truly honour and respect the Cross of Christ, drawing from it the power of transfiguration and Resurrection. The true honour or carrying of the Cross means truly living according to the Cross.
If we carry our Cross correctly, then, certainly, our eyes will be opened to see that the main focus during suffering is not on our suffering itself, but on our personal relationship with the God-Man Christ, a relationship that we build precisely through suffering. Our cross is actually the way that God has chosen to communicate with us, and which is the most suitable for our salvation. If our attention is fixed mainly on suffering and we do not recognise God in it, it means that we are self-loving, and our spiritual life is an improvisation and is not grounded in Him at all.
So, let us remember: in every suffering we primarily recognise Christ and base, and upgrade our personal relationship in and with Him. The suffering itself is real, but remains in the background, because through acceptance and thankfulness it becomes a source of joy from the newly established and upgraded relationship with our Lord.