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Epiphany – Metropolitan of Strumica Nahum



It is not good for a person who knows how to read to interpret what he reads as he wants, due to; lack of knowledge, being laden with passion or lack of enlightenment of his reason (mind, nous). In such a condition he will learn nothing.

When we read about the divine things, we can understand something with the reason, but we understand or correctly interpret only with the spiritual reason – with the transfigured and enlightened reason; and much more can be revealed to us than what is written, and even the background of what is written.

The theme of enlightenment of the mind/reason is essentially related to Holy Baptism, because enlightenment of the mind is not possible without activating the uncreated grace i.e. the Divine energy of Baptism from the human heart, through the Orthodox spiritual life.

And our Baptism, on the other hand, is essentially connected with the Baptism of Christ. We have said that everything that the God-Man did in God’s Dispensation, He did it for us and for our salvation, and not for Himself; and He gave it to us in the Church as a gift that we should adopt and activate.

The enlightenment of the nous, that is, the enlightenment of the secondary function of the mind, and thus overcoming the dualism between the two functions of the mind, occurs when through the primary function of our mind we transfigure its energy, uniting it with the Divine uncreated energy, until the essence of the mind is sufficiently purified and we experience the opening of the heart for the prayer of the mind in the heart.

Someone said it well by saying: “One can see well only with the heart. The most important thing is invisible to the eyes.”

Only then can one look at things in the light of God’s view and see the whole picture of man and society, and not as our unenlightened and passionate nous displays them to us – partially, fragmented, contrary and superficial. That is why the God-Man Christ says: “If therefore the light [of the nous] that is in you is darkness, then how great is that darkness?” (Matthew 6:23).

In today’s Gospel, at the service of the Blessing of the Waters, we read and hear that Saint John baptises Christ. We see the same thing on the Orthodox icon of the Epiphany.

And all that is true and pious. But what else can we see and understand besides or behind what is seen and read? First, let us answer this question: How would the God-Man Christ sanctify the waters with His Baptism if He is not the One who sanctifies; and if He sanctifies, why does He need baptism? Yes, He is the One who sanctifies and He does not need any sanctification or baptism, but He does everything for our salvation.

Therefore, He was baptised by Saint John in the waters of the River Jordan, and He enabled John the Baptist and all of us to be baptised with water and with the Holy Spirit. He was baptised in water, and, the water and everything created, all creation, He sanctified and restored them – they again became a suitable material for performing the Holy Mysteries. To Him, the heavens opened, and He enabled our hearts to become the entrance and throne room of the Kingdom of Heaven. The voice of the Heavenly Father testifies of Him: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17), This also heralds our adoption as Sons of God. Yes, God appeared as the Holy Trinity, and made possible for the fallen man to receive personal salvation in the Church – the Catholic Body of the incarnate Son of God, the God-Man Christ.

Have you seen, my beloved ones, how from the original picture you had of the Baptism of Christ you now have another picture – much wider and more complete? What do you think, is that the final picture regarding Epiphany? I would say no. Surely there is more perfect than this one. But if you want to see the more perfect one, do your best to fulfil Christ’s command to love your neighbour, for there is no other way: “He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is still in darkness. He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him – there is no darkness in him.”     (1 John 2: 9-10).

Why is there no stumbling (temptation)? Because, every evil caused by his brother, that he endures, instead of darkening him, he himself, personally experiences as Christ’s question directed to him: “Do you love Me?” – and he responds to evil with love. “But he who hates his brother (and responds to evil with evil), he is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is doing: because the darkness has blinded his eyes [and his mind, and his nous].” (1 John 2, 11).

And let us not forget, the Epiphany reveals for the first time the Mystery of the Royal, New Testament and Eschatological Priesthood in the image and act of Saint John the Baptist. Saint John the Baptist baptises Christ, although he himself is not the bearer of the official and institutional Priesthood, but that is why he manifests the beginning of the Mystery of the New Testament, Royal and Eschatological Priesthood, and the end of the Old Testament.

In essence, God perfects (performs) every Mystery of the Dispensation of Our Salvation, in the Church, only through those who are made worthy to be bearers of the New Testament, Royal (internal) and Eschatological Priesthood. In other words, as long as there are people, including ordinary laymen, who live in repentance, this world will exist and it will make sense to exist. Until then, there will be a Church in which people will be saved.

Attainment of the second stage of spiritual development – enlightenment of the mind, is an inner spiritual cover (completion) for the Holy Mystery Priesthood, but it is also a personal gift for us in the Church, a gift of the New Testament Royal Priesthood, which will also adorn us in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

Metropolitan of Strumica Nahum

(18.01.2022 17:02)

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