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Father Gavril Galev: Theotokos – our intercessor before God

| October 14, 2023

~+~ Saint Ambrose of Milan, speaking of the earthly life of the Most-Holy Virgin Theotokos, describes her as follows: “She was a Virgin not only in body but also in soul, humble in heart, pious, vigilant in her words; she constantly read the Scriptures, she was tireless in her labours, chaste in her conversations, speaking […]

Saint John the Theologian

| October 9, 2023

~+~ APOSTLE OF LOVE No eloquence of human wisdom can express,  nor can the mind of carnal man comprehend what thou hast told us about the eternal being of the one God in Three Persons without beginning.  For like Moses on the mountain amid thunder and flashes of lightning,  thou didst receive from God the […]

Светиот Јован Богослов

| October 9, 2023

~+~ АПОСТОЛ НА ЉУБОВТА Красноречието на философијата човечка не е во состојба да ја изрази, ниту умот на плотскиот човек да го сфати она што ти ни го објави за беспочетното Битие на Триипостасниот Бог; зашто, слично на Мојсеј, ти во громови и молњи на гората од Бог ја прими тајната на богословието, и на […]

The Holy Martyrs Vera, Nada and Ljubov (Faith, Hope and Love) and their Mother Sophia (Wisdom) — Светите маченички Вера, Надеж, Љубов и мајка им Софија

| September 30, 2023

30 September – 30 Септември ~+~ The Holy Martyrs Vera, Nada and Ljubov (Faith, Hope and Love) and their Mother Sophia (Wisdom) They all lived and suffered in Rome during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. Sophia was wise, as her name implies. She was left a widow, and had established herself and her daughters well in […]

Saint Silouan Athonite – Fr. Gavril Galev

| September 23, 2023

~+~ 24 September The life and acts of Saint Silouan remained uncovered for many people until the end of his life on earth and until his blessed appearance in front of God, for Whom he cried all his life, like the fallen Adam, yearning for Him and searching Him in tears. It is the expression […]