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Where are the other nine? – Father Gavril Galev

| December 23, 2023

~+~ The God-Man Jesus Christ, the Word of God, was incarnate and became Man in order to save the world. And although He is God pre-eternal, by whom all things were made, He became as one of us in order to fulfil and to submit Himself to the law. After His ascension to heaven and […]

Каде се деветмината? – Отец Гаврил Галев

| December 21, 2023

~+~ Богочовекот Исус Христос, Словото Божјо, се воплоти и стана човек за да го спаси светот.  И иако Бог предвечен, преку Кого се станало, Тој стана како еден од нас за да го исполни и му се потчини на законот. По Своето вознесение на небесата и седнување оддесно на Отецот, од каде што и дојде, Го […]

The Holy Apostle Andrew – Fr. Gavril Galev

| December 13, 2023

~+~ (Greek: Ανδρεα, brave, strong man, chaste) He was known as the First-Called Apostle, because he was the first who followed Christ. From an early age, he longed for the divine truth, and that is why when Saint John the Baptist emerged, he immediately became one of his disciples. Saint Andrew was standing on the […]

Saint Clement of Ohrid – Metropolitan of Strumica Nahum

| December 7, 2023

~+~ “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief […]

Свети Климент Охридски – Митрополит Струмички Наум

| December 7, 2023

~+~ Вистина, вистина ви велам: „Јас сум вратата на овците. Сите, колку што дојдоа пред Мене, крадци се и разбојници; но овците не ги послушаа. Јас сум вратата: кој ќе влезе преку Мене, ќе се спаси; и ќе влезе, и ќе излезе, и пасиште ќе најде. Крадецот доаѓа само да украде, да убие и да […]