On Fasting – Saint Gabriel Athonite, Bishop of Velica
“Fasting is a weapon in the spiritual battle against the powers of wickedness in the heavenly places” (the evil one and his dark angels) (Matthew 17:21; Ephesians 6:12). It isan essential means for man’s pursuit of spiritual perfection, a reliable force for resisting spiritual weakness, and a treasury of grace for achieving the ultimate and supreme goal of Christian life—holiness and salvation in the Lord.
The essence of Christian fasting is not the mortification of the body, as is often mistakenly thought, but rather the mortification of sin within us, for sin leads to decay and death. By strengthening the will, fasting enables the spirit to govern the body.
When a Christian fasts, they must renounce all worldly amusements and pleasures, avoiding places where they may fall into sin through thoughts, words, or even a glance. In general, we should strive, as much as possible, to dedicate most of our thoughts to God and to the mystery of the mind-and-heart prayer.
That which the Church has established is the royal and spiritual path that leads to eternal life.
Those who wish to fast should be careful not to take on a greater burden than what the Church has prescribed, for if they fall, there may be no one to lift them up. Those who do not fast at all may begin if they wish to be saved and for their souls to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. However, they cannot take on the full rule of fasting immediately; instead, they should first fast on Wednesdays and Fridays during the first and last week of the fasting period. Over time, as they make an effort, the Lord will help them to embrace the fullness of fasting, and eventually, they will fast in the proper manner.
In your spiritual struggle, evil spirits will rise against you, trying to discourage you – either through your own thoughts or through those around you – saying: “Do you want to become weak, you cannot endure, your stomach is unwell, the doctor recommended good food.” Their goal is to extinguish your desire for fasting. However, little by little, through prayer, you will overcome the evil spirit, and fasting will become easy for you. Additionally, a beginner can start by refraining from meat and animal fats on fasting days while still consuming dairy and eggs. Over time, they will gradually move towards complete fasting.
Saint Gabriel Athonite, Bishop of Velica