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Seeing the face of God – Father Gavril Galev

| August 14, 2022

~+~ (Matthew 14, 22-34) In this Gospel reading, which talks about how Christ walks on the water, and St. Peter asked for him to be able to come to Him, the boat is the Church, and the sea is the world and this life in it. Christ is the head of the Church. The main […]

Гледање на лицето Божјо – Отец Гаврил Галев

| August 14, 2022

~+~ (Матеј 14, 22-34)  Во ова евангелие во кое се зборува како Христос оди по водата, а св Петар побарал и тој да дојде до Негo, коработ e Црквата, а морето е светот и овој живот во него. Христос е главата на Црквата. Главната поента на ова Евангелие е тоа дека, во овој живот секогаш треба […]

Monastic lessons – Elder Nahum — Монашки поуки – Дедо Наум

| August 7, 2022

~+~ “The people that we would attract with an example of living a pious life may not be many, but they will stay with us, in the Church. People who will be attracted only by some sort of form, by marketing, by a position of power, by material goods, by financial or other interest,…etc., might […]